Maverick Center was founded in 1999 to support spiritual individuals as they navigate practical work and life matters and accomplishing their bigger purpose. We also provide guidance on discovery of higher purposes. We guide individuals as they are learning to live life by following their personal inner guidance systems and manage the challenging job of staying authentic to self.  With our courses, programs, tools, and processes, we help people change their lives and move into alignment with self. We support holistic transformation and growth. Our specialty is early education of independent youth, major life transitions, how to change a life or livelihood, and how to keep evolving it. We’re here to support the day-to-day issues, complications, challenges, and the big picture. We help people determine where they are and where they want to be spiritually, in their careers, and personal lives. We want to help you engage in a life fully lived and without regret.  This is what we call the ‘work’ of a Maverick’s lifetime.  Can we be your guide? Just call for a (no charge) chat at (512) 809 8545.

We’re on the leading edge. we assist individuals as they advance as spiritual yet practical beings who are taking control of the direction and outcomes of their lives.

At the core of an individual is their maverick center. It is also known as the heart, soul, spirit, a higher power, true self, subconscious, God, or intuition (to name a few). The ‘maverick center’ of each person has an inner guidance system that stands ready to lead throughout a lifetime.  If followed, it promises a richer life more closely aligned with your true purpose.  Mavericks activate their maverick centers to receive inner guidance and follow it. At Maverick Center, we support the individual as THEY follow their ‘maverick center’. Secondarily, they use their brains, skills, strengths, contacts, capacities and us (as their support) to practically move to where their guidance system is going..

MISSION STATEMENT… Maverick Center supports the individual who chooses to have BOTH a a spiritual life AND a successful practical life (a journey following spiritual guidance, remaining genuine to self, raising relationships, and successful work) and advances toward best use of the lifetime. 


Maverick’s CORE VALUES

-I am a spiritual being.

-I am a visitor on a planet called earth with limited time to experience it and learn.

-I will never be an expert but constantly an excited, curious rookie allowed myself to make mistakes and learn.

-I choose to have thousands of mentors. I look to each person, plant, animal, etc…to teach me.

-I am here for reasons that will unfold if I remain maverick centered, hold on to self-integrity, stay present, and keep mavricking.

-I don’t feel I own things like land, houses, or animals… we co-exist. I never really owned them… even when I thought I did.  

-For me simplicity is better, more nurturing, and frees me. I notice that clutter in a person’s environment often reflects the clutter in their minds.

-I began to die the moment I was born. It is important to ‘spend’ a day wisely.

-I am in competition with myself, not others, grades, countries. My job is to best myself daily.

-WDILT is the daily motto…what did I learn today?

-Questions are like throw-up, they are supposed to be coming out of you fast. ASK the questions that pop up. I honor me, my curiosity, my natural learning, and I honor yours.

 -Self integrity, meaning of life, best use of a lifetime, balance, getting it all, love, soul, marriage, parent, friend, best-use-of-a-lietime, God, happiness, etc... First, I define these words for myself and then I honor my definition before any other person’s definition. These definitions morph and become more clearly defined as I learn and advance myself.